Rodeo queen

A rodeo queen is a female representative and "face" of the sport of rodeo. She represents her rodeo, association, or region for a standard time of usually 12 months and is usually required to wear a cowboy hat, crown, and banner with her title on it. Being a rodeo queen requires skills in western style horse riding, public speaking, rodeo knowledge, appearance, and personality. Rodeo Queens spend their time professionally representing their title at various rodeos, parades, public events, television interviews, radio interviews, school events, and charity events.

There are two nationwide pageants in the United States, Miss Rodeo America and Miss Rodeo USA. In addition most states have their own pageants. There are a number of qualifying pageants, local pageants, and contests for specific rodeo events. Australia also hosts rodeo queens.[1]

Most pageants require contestants to be single, childless, unmarried, under a certain age, and female. The most common major categories are appearance, horsemanship, knowledge, and personality, with a number of subcategories. The winner is usually chosen from a field of multiple contestants and judged by a panel of qualified judges in each event. The young lady with the most amount of points will win the title.[2]

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